
Learn About Our Upcoming Summer Services!

blossomsSummer Lawn Applications:

Our professional technicians apply each lawn application with care and precision. Applications are applied during specific times throughout the year to maximize nutrient uptake and to avoid any harm to the surrounding environment. Beginning early May, we will begin applying our Insecticide and Weed Kill lawn applications. If you are new to our program, we may need to customize the package based on the status of your lawn.

Insecticide Lawn Application – This is a granular application, which controls above and below insects. This lawn application can be applied more than once throughout the summer to continue to protect your lawn if requested. Here are some of the most common insects: grub, fleas, and ticks.

Weed Kill Lawn Application – This is our only liquid lawn application; it will only treat weeds present at time of visit (does not prevent). After a two-week period, our technician will return to do a spot check treatment. It’s completely normal to see bare spots after the application as it’s getting rid of the weeds.

The 7 lawn applications are applied as follows throughout the year:

  • Pre-emergent – March
  • Spring Lime – April
  • Spring Fertilizer – April
  • Insecticide – May
  • Weed Kill – July
  • Fall Lime – September
  • Fall Fertilizer – September

Insecticide on Shrubs:
The insecticide is a liquid foliar spray, applied by hand, and it is a contact foliar spray applied to most common damaged (select) plants. It deters insects from eating foliage from a wide range of shrubs such as Roses, Japanese Weeping maple, and Cherry Laurels. It is used to control a wide range of insects such as beetles, mites, and wood borers. We start early May, to prevent plants from being damaged, this is applied three times during the summer May, June, and July.

Summer Prune:
G A Landscaping is set to accomplish a healthy-looking landscape around your home! Therefore, we are now offering summer prune services to conserve the longevity of your shrubs by restoring shape and structure. Pruning during summer is beneficial as it avoids the shrubs to overgrow their space and it stimulates new healthy growth. It improves the air circulation, therefore, reducing moist-based problems such as: fungi, dead roots, and pests.

Common plants that would require summer prune:

  • Roses (dead head to promote new blooms)
  • Lilacs
  • Spiraeas
  • Camellias
  • Rhododendrons
  • Abelias
  • Fruit trees
  • Deutzias
  • Flowering quinces
  • Forsythias
  • Viburnums
expansive lawn

Three secrets to a beautiful lawn.

Grass doesn’t have to be greener on the other side… improve your lawn with Over-seeding, Fertilizer, & Lime.

expansive lawnIf your lawn is looking stripped and simple, the grass on your lawn may be mature with no more signs of reproduction, leaving bare spots on your backyard. One of the secrets to keep your lawn looking beautiful is to over-seed it. It’s a simple technique to achieve an even, healthy green grass. An ideal time to over-seed your lawn is when temperatures start to drop in the fall but are somewhat still warm enough for seeds to germinate before the winter. Seeding during the fall allows the young grass to get a head start and establish its roots before it goes dormant in the winter. Normally, rain amounts are greater during fall and its preferable to over-seed during this time of year. Approaching spring, the young grass will continue to develop deeper roots before temperatures start to rise again. The lawn will therefore have a thicker turf, enable its ability to fight weeds, insects and diseases, and improve lawn appearance.

Another secret for a beautiful lawn is to apply fertilizer, to have healthy soil in your lawn is to have a resistant grass against weeds, insects, and diseases. When fertilizer is applied at the right time it can beneficial to new and existing grass by giving it an extra boost. Three key nutrients in fertilizer: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. These nutrients are essential for deeper roots, a vibrant green grass and it allows the grass to be more resilient.

Lime is the ultimate secret to an amazing lawn, it keeps the nutrients and pH balanced within the grass. As the lime breaks down it begins to soften the ground for better intake of other lawn applications including over-seeding.

gorgeous lawn

Aerating your lawn is caring about your lawn!

gorgeous lawnIn Loudoun county…. Summers can get busy with BBQ’s, children playing, pets, maintaining and mowing lawns. Summers in Loudoun county can also get very dry, then rainy days approaching during fall can make the lawn look like its full of small puddles and next thing you know the rainfall isn’t going anywhere because the soil is pressed with no airways. If you’re in Loudoun county and you begin to see your backyard all worn up with teared grass here and there it means you may need to look into some Aeration services because your yard literally… has to breathe.

Was there heavy traffic in your yard this summer? Did you see brown spots during peak summer days in your yard? It might be time to start caring about your lawn, by Aerating your lawn! Aeration service in Loudoun county allows for water, nutrients, and oxygen to flow into your lawn’s soil channels and bring it back to life. When Lawn’s aren’t aerated the soil within usually starts to compact which means no oxygen, water, or sunlight is reaching the roots. In order to have a beautiful green backyard, you have to care for it from its roots and provide the most essential elements.

Aerating your lawn is Caring about your lawn! I’ll tell you why… aerating your lawn will improve channels through the soil to give it space to breathe, have a better intake of water and fertilizer, therefore increasing nutrient availability throughout the lawn. And, Voila! A healthy lawn!
When is it a good time for aeration services?

Aeration in Loudoun county is typically done after a good amount rainfall to relieve stress on the grass from high heat during the summer, pressed soil, and very low rainfalls. Waiting to aerate the lawn after a good amount of rainfall is important so the soil is soft enough to work with. Once the aeration service is done, plugs are left on the lawn to enable the plugs of soil that are taken out to release nutrients promptly. What time of year to aerate simply depends on what area you live in. In Loudoun county, VA the best time to aerate is in the fall due to more rainfall and roots preparing for the winter season meaning they’ll grow vigorously for the upcoming spring.

How does core aeration get done?

The aeration machine removes plugs of soil throughout the lawn which usually dissolve back into the lawn after a few weeks and allows the roots to grow healthier, deeper and stronger. Depending on what your lawn needs, you may choose to have deep aeration on your lawn with a hydraulic core aeration machine. The Hydraulic machine covers more throughout the lawn and penetrates the roots better opposed to regular core aeration which makes smaller plugs and are farther apart.

Regular core aeration VS. Hydraulic core aeration
Regular core aeration makes small plugs of soul about 1-2 in. deep and approximately 6 in. apart.
Hydraulic core aeration makes bigger plugs about 4-6 in. deep and 2 in. apart, therefore getting more coverage throughout the lawn.